Friday, February 26, 2016

And it rained, the eyes of the skies turned blue with love

 As a deer pants for water, so does your heart cry out for an adequate dose of unfading love. Everybody wants to bath on a cool pool of beautiful affection spiced up with happiness. Unfortunately, so many relationships has been thrown down the cliff into smithereens.

Ideally, it takes two to tangle. There is absolutely no way you can have a Cindella love story if you do not have the bold heart to forgive and tolerate. There are no perfect relationships, yet we can create our own perfect love stories. Being a supercilious partner would only nail the coffin of your marriage, nothing good would ever come out of it.

Remember when it first rained in your heart, the skies in your soul turned blue with love. You were so blind that you could not see the ugly flaws of your lover. You thought without a pinch of doubts in your mind that what you felt in your heart was perhaps the most beautiful feeling ever. You swore eternal love to that imperfect mortal being. After just some few misunderstandings, you then became a doubting Thomas.

Do the best you can to make your relationships work. Rome was not built in a day, it takes an unimaginable amount of hard work to build a hulking height of success in your relationships. Cast aside your curmudgeon spirit because it would do you more harm than good.

Lastly, never allow these words "I am sorry" to become extinct on your lips. In the dictionary of love, the word "Sorry" is a healing balm. Love unconditionally, that is obviously the golden rule.

From: Bulututu Ozuah

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